Compagnie Oposito and its performances

À la vie à l’amour

Cast and partners

A la vie à l’amour !

Creation 2004
On an original idea from Jean-Raymond Jacob



Authors : Jean-Raymond Jacob and David Requien
directors : Jean-Raymond Jacob and Martine Rateau
Set design : Enrique Jimenez
Librettist : David Requien
Composer : Henri-Claude Fantapié
Conductor : Jean-Philippe Dejussieu
Vocal Adviser : Patrick Bève
Music direction assistant : Oren Grougnet
Actors direction : Martine Rateau

Administration and production : Coralie Chatauret
Technical direction : Olivier Brie
Assistant : Perrine Bonnet
Coordination and secretary : Mélanie Labesse
Communication : Julie Millet

Costumes design : Fabienne Desflèches et Philou Jacob
Production team, set construction : Achil Bras, Manuel Charnay, Katell Legars
Light : Jean-Marc Colonna d’Istria
Sound : Patrick Woindrich

Soloists :
José Luis Barreto (baritone)
Richard Delestre (ténor)
Sevan Manoukian (soprano)
Christine Oehlkern (soprano)
Alain Romero (baritone)
Muriel Tomao (soprano)

Choristers :
Laury André, Corinne Baudesson, Agnès-Laure Bigorie, Karim Bouzra, Mathias Casartelli, Dov Cohen, Agnès Deutsch, Peggy Dias, Chantal de Romance, Béatrice Di Carlo, Lucie Fouquet, Laurent Gernigon, Cédric Ingard, Philippe Jacob, Dorota Jolda, Fabienne Laredo, Sébastien Mahieuxe, Hyalmar Mitrotti, Alexander Müller, Ahmet Rifat Ortacdag, Justine Schaeffer, Frédéric Therisod, Gaelle Vanoudenhoven, Hervélina Vyskoc.



It is an order from La Clef des Chants to the Oposito company in the Lille 2004 progam context "Autour de Lille 2004" initiated by the Nord-Pas de Calais region.

Production : La Clef des Chants,
Direction : Patrick Bève
Administration : Christophe Fourneau
Technical Direction : Franck Caubergh
Communication and press relations : Franck Blanchard

Thursday 16 November 2006

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